Laura Parker
Laura is a licensed psychotherapist, a teacher, and the creator of Transforming Loneliness.
In this interview, Laura Parker describes how her work with Transforming Loneliness evolved through a surprising and healing encounter with a two-year-old part of herself. She explores the difference between solitude, loneliness and longing, defining loneliness as a Sacred Messenger that carries news of disconnection. Longing - our desire and motivation for reconnection - is the hidden, life-affirming gift inside loneliness. Laura shares a mandala image - with loneliness in the center and spokes radiating from the center - that represent the multiple facets of disconnection and pathways to connection. Lastly, Laura offers her suggestions for how to turn towards and receive the creative vitality that lives at the heart of loneliness.
Hello, I’m Laura Parker, MFT, the creator and facilitator of the Transforming Loneliness project. I am passionate about helping people to heal and transform the painful experience of loneliness. For as long as I can remember, my life has been inspired by loneliness and longing for authentic, nourishing connection.
Over the last 20 years, I have worked as a licensed psychotherapist in my private practice in Oakland, California. My work is grounded in ecopsychology, which sees human reciprocity with all of life as fundamental to health and thriving. My multi-dimensional approach integrates somatic, relational, experiential, psychodynamic, visionary, and mindfulness practices. For more than 10 years it was a great delight to develop curriculum and teach psycho-educational classes for members of the Kaiser HMO in Oakland. It is also my great pleasure to inspire and mentor new therapists in group and individual supervision at Holos Institute.
I love to learn and share what I have learned. In recent years, I have fallen in love with my body - the most loyal, devoted, available, and trustworthy teacher and guide into reclaiming indigenous belonging with this mysterious life. I practice somatic meditation (mostly) daily and hike in beautiful places every chance I get. I am a mandala painter, a pie baker, and a delighted follower of golden threads of aliveness and epiphany.
This video is one of 16 interviews comprising the Transforming Loneliness summit, which was curated and hosted by Laura Parker, MFT in early 2019. To view the other interviews in the series, please register here if you haven’t already.
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For more information about Laura Parker, MFT, or Transforming Loneliness, please check out her websites: and
©2018-2020 Laura Parker, all rights reserved | Produced by Stephanie Briggs