Looking back over my life, I see that my most significant experiences tell a story of seeking liberation.
A driving passion of my life has been to break free from the prison of isolation and despair that I both inherited and created. I have discovered that the prison walls are shaped by my ancestral lineage, my early childhood experience, my cultural inheritance, and the beliefs and habits I formed to protect myself from pain.
But I wanted more than liberation. I also wanted to retrieve the native joy, aliveness, intelligence, creativity, and capacity for wonder and revelation that lives in the core of my being.
Along the way, I have had the tremendous good fortune to realize, in a very deep and profound way, that the painful loneliness I have struggled with is a doorway into a magnificent gift (no kidding!) of self-intimacy. And, this experience of self-intimacy opens out, like a flower, into connection with other people and all of life.
The cutting edge of my story right now is taking the risk to enter into greater and greater intimacy with myself, other people, and all of life.
Intimacy means turning towards and entering into your experience (rather than avoiding or running away from it) and opening to receive deeper and deeper layers of revelation.
I want to tell you that my deep listening, tending, and responding to my own inner experience of being alive has been like following bread crumbs in the forest. Each crumb led to the next, without much sense of the “big picture” meaning of this journey…until one day a coherent image emerged and it became clear to me that connection - on all levels and dimensions - is the purpose and guiding image of my life.
Our human connection to the web of life - and its loss and restoration - is the deepest pain, the most compelling inspiration, and the most life-serving motivation I have ever encountered.
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash
One more tidbit I’d like to share:
At some point along the way in my practice of Somatic Meditation, I started to have a direct experience of the luminous open space (buddha nature) as a continuous, pervasive presence, the fabric, the life force, from which everything - including you and me - is made.
This realization was tremendously nourishing, healing, and revitalizing.
My experiential connection to this source has provided a vast reserve of energy, motivation, and guidance to take on the deeper layers of healing necessary to change the course of my life.
The way I see it, this wise, creative, luminous space exists within all of us. It is our pure, clear heart.
My fondest wish is that I may encourage my clients’ own unique connection to the nourishment, support, and guidance of the creative vitality within.
Find out more about how I can help you
Email me to schedule your free 15-minute consultation.
Featured Video:
In this in-depth 60 minute talk, I share about:
how my work with Transforming Loneliness evolved through a surprising and healing encounter with a two-year-old part of myself
the difference between solitude, loneliness and longing
why loneliness is a Sacred Messenger
facets of disconnection, and pathways to connection
suggestions for how to turn towards and receive the creative vitality that lives at the heart of loneliness
This video originally aired in February 2019, as part of my Transforming Loneliness online summit, the first of its kind to approach the topic of loneliness.
Click here to learn more and get access to all 16 interviews in the series - completely free!