Jan Edl Stein
Jan Edl Stein, MFT is a licensed psychotherapist and the director of Holos Institute, an educational and counseling center in the bay area.
In this interview, Jan Edl Stein offers values and practices that see the world - and our place in it - as alive, intelligent, and sacred. She shares how
loneliness arises as a result of our human tendency to hold ourselves separate and apart from the natural world
a sense of belonging is generated when we discover that “it’s not just me” - the images, cycles, and patterns that are floating around inside of us are all out there in the natural world
mutuality and reciprocity are everywhere in nature - the more we notice that when we are perceiving a tree, it is perceiving us - the more we are woven into connection
there’s a whole ecosystem here - we’re just a part of it, but we’re part of it
Website: janedl.com
Jan Edl Stein, MFT is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in the bay area and also directs Holos Institute, an educational and counseling center. She has developed an ecopsychology certificate program and curates an annual ecopsychology conference.
Jan leads workshops and retreats that interweave meditation, active imagining, shamanic journeying and earth based contemplations in venues that include California Institute of Integral Studies, Grof Transpersonal Training Program, The Bioneers Conference, and Esalen Institute. Her 30+ year therapy practice utilizes a depth/somatic approach, active imagination, EMDR, Brainspotting, shamanic journeying, and nature therapy. More information may be found at www.janedl.com.
This video is one of 16 interviews comprising the Transforming Loneliness summit, which was curated and hosted by Laura Parker, MFT in early 2019. To view the other interviews in the series, please register here if you haven’t already.
All of the interviews in the Transforming Loneliness summit are offered to you without limitation of time or money, so please share the benefit widely and forever! To share, simply copy this link: www.transforming-loneliness-event.com
If you feel moved to express gratitude by making a donation of any amount, please click here.
For more information about Laura Parker, MFT, or Transforming Loneliness, please check out her websites: lauraparkermft.com and transformingloneliness.com.
©2018-2020 Laura Parker, all rights reserved | Produced by Stephanie Briggs